Afternoon, everyone! Hope you are all having a splendid evening. London is incredibly cold but characteristically stunning its own grey way. So who goes on YouTube and endlessly watches random videos without any purpose or care? I know I do. YouTube is a wonderful resource but it can also be incredibly emptying. One good way to occupy your time on YouTube is watching Ted Talks. They usually spur your energy to do something else with your time. They can also inform you about things around the world. In this post, I will list 5 of my most favourite Ted Talks. You can watch these during your breaks or when you catch yourself in an endless loop of random videos to help you get back on track. 1) How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over This Ted Talk by Mel Robbins is a huge reality check. The speech really makes you realise just quite how much control you have over life. It's so effective to get out of a procrastination rut. 2) Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable ...
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