Afternoon, everyone! So, how is your holiday going? I hope you're enjoying yourself. I know some of you are probably stressed because you might be sitting exams or writing papers within the first few weeks of the new year. So let's get back to basics. How do you answer an essay question? I remember during my undergraduate my tutors drummed the importance of structure and form over and over again. Having a good structure for your essay will help you with the flow of your writing and it will make it so much easier for your tutors to understand exactly where your essay is heading. It will help with the direction of your essay to prevent you from putting in extraneous information that doesn't need to be there. The structure of your essay has to be something that follows the marking scheme and criteria. Some topics might require you to have an introduction and proper conclusion while others don't. You could have subtitles or not, it really depends on your marking crite...
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